The IT Factor - Mathematics: Purpose and Goals

This blog is a forum for parents, teachers, students, and others to join in a conversation about integrating technology into the mathematics classroom. Mathematics is a “high-stakes” area and there are many forums out there to discuss how to improve test scores and such. That is not what this blog is about. This blog is a sounding board for ideas, concerns, and much more. I hope that through this blog, you will be able to understand more about technology integration in the mathematics classroom as well as express ideas regarding the technology friendly classroom. Please join us in a great discussion.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Final Blog Part C

What do you see as the educational value of blogs in the classroom?
It gets students writing. I teach math and science and need a way to incorporate writing in the curriculum. This is a great way to get students to become involved with educational discussions.

How about outside of the classroom?
I think that the value is what you put into it. I have read some blogs that are therapeutic. People who write about their ailments and struggles. It is a way to get someone to listen or at least to get your thoughts out there. I think that is something that everyone needs at some point. T Hey need that outlet and I think that blogs provide that for some people.

What role should teacher and students have in a blogging experience?
The teacher should facilitate, monitor and direct discussion on the blog. It should not turn into a socail networking site. The student should be involved in the discussion on a regular basis. I think that giving assigned amount to blog will help students keep on track.

In your view, and based on this experience, how can blogs be integrated appropriately and effectively in K-12 classrooms?
There is so much that you can do with a blog that it is hard to get started. In my math class, I could start a blog where I put up questions of the week and students respond with their answers written out in words instead of math terms. In science I could post articles on advances in science and students could write reflections to the articles. I think with internet access as avaiable as it is now, students would be able to interact through a blog with no problem.

Final Blog Part B

What do you see as excellent features of the blogs you participated and why?
The ease of typing something and it being formatted the way you want is something that I love. With web pages, you have to understand HTML at least a little bit in order to get alignments right. With blogger, it does it for you. :)

What stands out from this blogging experience for you?
I think that the idea that blogs are universal and available anywhere is awesome. I love that I can create a blog to showcase my baking adventures. Of course my family and friends are the only ones to look at them. I love this new format to share things. If you want to check it out - here is the link: BatterUp!

Final Blog Part A

What did you learn from this blogging experience about yourself and about blogs as tools for teaching and learning?
I have learned that blogging is fun and therapeutic. I feel that blogs are definitely a creative way to express yourself. I want to continue creating and expanding blogs. I want to start one for my classes so that students can communicate through a different venue. I think that getting students typing about my contents is one way I can incorporate writing in the content areas. Students have a tough time "writing", why not type?

What surprised you about this blogging experience? Why?
It surprised me that I enjoyed it. I thought it might be just "make it up" work. Through using blogs I have learned to embed and have learned about great blogs that I want to keep up with and have created readers, etc. I have really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Project Based Learning

IT Factor Presents Project Based Learning Proposal

This is my PBL Proposal:

This is my project's presentation:

These are examples of what students will produce through this project.

Ckbk Reg
View more documents from abaile10.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog 10 - Supporting eLearning

eLearning has completely different demands than a regular classroom has. It is for mature students who can be left alone to get some of the work done at their own pace. I don't think I could see a 6th grader taking an online course. Maybe as an enrichment, but not as a credit course. I think that Egbert says it right when she says, "[eLearning] often requires students and teachers to have different skills and understandings than face-to-face classroom learning does" (Egbert, 2009, p. 207) THis is important for teachers to realize before they accept a position of teaching.

Egbert, J. (2009). Supporting learning with technology: essentials of classroom practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.